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How We Work:
Our tool is the video camera. We match business needs with an array of approaches that range from traditional documentary to live collaborative experiences.

Begin with what’s really there.
True motivation and ownership is activated by open-minded inquiry, not by scripts and mandates. That’s why Inside Cinema’s training and organizational documentaries feature only the voices and images of people at work.

Cultivate commitment.
When we direct the lens at the people who live your experience, we empower them with this edict: “You are what matters.  Be the organization.  Be the brand.  Tell us about what you do.”

Grant permission to be daring.
Participant-driven video captivates and excites.  Inside Cinema’s exercises invite participants to use the camera to create meaning from what’s around them, encouraging personal ownership and nurturing creative insight and forward thinking.

Celebrate transformation.
Inside Cinema’s collaborative video making exercises blend focused interviews with the camera work of team members to build group identity.  The result is an edited video that serves both as history and an inspiration.

Actively listen.
Inside Cinema brings the voices of employees forward with its Video Booth.  The Video Booth solicits candor and emotional authenticity that drives real conversation.

We’ve created solutions toward each of these goals with our unique emphasis on authentic engagement.